Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions

1. General
Digital Artist Consulting is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy will explain to you our policies for collecting, using, and disclosing personally identifiable information that you provide to us. By submitting your personally identifiable information to us you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy covers sites administered by us on behalf of customers and all information held by us and processed using systems associated with our services.
2. Why We Collect/How We May Use Personally identifiable Information
We collect personally identifiable information in order to, among other things, (a) set up and provide services to our customers, (b) process customer payments, (c) improve our services, and (d) communicate with our customers. Customers may opt out of providing information covered by this Privacy Policy by declining to be customers. Providing this information is required to become a customer.
3. Sources of Personally identifiable Information
We receive and collect personally identifiable information from a variety of sources as we interact with our customers and with the public. These sources include:
  • E-mails, correspondence, and applications we receive from all sources.
  • Cookies, URLs, web beacons, and other web identifiers we receive from visitors to our web sites.
  • Account information provided by our customers.
4. What Information We May Collect
Due to the nature of our business, we collect a wide variety of personally identifiable information, including:
  • Personal data such as individual names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
  • Business data such as business names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
  • Non-personally identifiable information for aggregation such as, among other things, visitor browser type and screen resolution.
5. Information We May Disclose To Third Parties
Digital Artist Consulting does not sell or rent any personally identifiable information we collect to third parties. However, we may disclose or transmit personally identifiable information to third parties for specific purposes and situations, including:
  • In response to a subpoena, court order, or other valid legal process.
  • To process or collect customer payments.
  • To enable third-party vendors to provide specific services to Digital Artist Consulting, including, among others, Spotify track URI distribution to partners.
  • To prevent, investigate, or stop illegal or malicious activities including violations of our acceptable use policy, threats to our facilities, and threats to the physical safety of any person.
  • To our affiliated companies or to any entity that acquires majority control of us or one of our business units through merger, acquisition, consolidation, or otherwise.
6. Payment Information
We only collect payment from customers who have agreed to our terms of service. This information is protected using industry standard methods. We do not collect financial information from non-customers through or generally through our public website. When you provide us with payment information it is collected on our payment page. Payment information you provide to us is not stored on our servers but passed directly over secured link to our payment processor. When we are contacted by an individual who is authorized to make changes to your account, we will remove, delete or add payment methods. When we collect payment information from you, it is SSL encrypted from end-to-end. Credit card information is not stored by us. Credit card charges are executed through a merchant processing gateway, and all transactions are encrypted during execution.
7. External Links
We have no control over the privacy policies of web sites whose links appear on our site(s). Please review the privacy policies of those linked sites for an understanding of how they use information they collect from you.
8. E-Mail Opt-Out
You may opt-out of receiving most e-mails from us by following the “unsubscribe” instructions provided in the e-mails.
9. Cookies
Cookies are small data files that are placed automatically on a customer’s computer by our computers. These data files are read by our computer to determine whether you have visited our site before, how often, the length of time and which pages you view. We use cookies to keep customers logged into our service, to collect transactional information about where our customers go during their use of our services and how they behave as well as to set language preferences. Cookies are not used in conjunction with personally identifiable information, and, other than as necessary to keep a customer logged into the services, do not identify an individual. Information collected using cookies is not sold by us, or used outside the services, other than as necessary to provide the services to customers.
10. Minors
The website is not designed to be used by minors under 14 years old. It is not our intent to gather personally identifiable information about anyone below the age of 14.
11. Appropriate Procedures
We have put in place reasonable measures and appropriate procedures for implementing these policies and for safeguarding the information we collect from you. However, we cannot guarantee that personally identifiable information we collect will never be disclosed in a manner inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.
12. Questions
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at
13. Updates
We may periodically update this Privacy Policy without notice to you. If we modify this Privacy Policy, we will provide notice to customers through their email and display a banner in for thirty days following a change. Please refer to this Privacy Policy regularly to remain updated about our current privacy policies. Your continued use of our services after we post an updated Privacy Policy serves as your acceptance of that updated policy.

The team at Digital Artist Consulting

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